Friday, 22 May 2015

Anger is more Dangerous than we Think

“Anger is only one letter short of danger” this popular saying sums up the detrimental effect of anger. Every one of us gets angry. It’s a natural emotion that varies in intensity from person to person. As long as anger is under control and dealt positively, it is considered as something normal.

Dr. Sanjoy Mukerji

If you have difficulty in managing and controlling your anger then it can have a negative impact on all your social relationships. Your partner, friends, kids, co-workers, and bosses may all come to think you’re a temperamental and annoying. Your outbursts may lead you into trouble with your loved ones, your social circle and even your job.
It is a common practice to use curse and swear words during anger. This is really hurtful for the people around. Sometimes when we are angry, we tend to get pessimistic about everything and exaggerate the situation. We must notice when ‘blame shifting’ begins to leak in our speech. ‘I feel angry when you make noise’ can be much better than, ‘You make me so mad by making noise’. This is what provokes us to utter hurtful words which often reflect nothing other than our own inner negative thoughts.
So it become essential to maintain our composure when you feel like our anger level is about to increase. This strength will help us to achieve our goals in business as well as in personal relationships because by remaining calm we would be able to channelize our energy more efficiently towards the things that matter the most.
It is advised to take responsibility for your anger and avoid blaming others. Putting the blame on others provides fuel to your anger.
For more detail and counseling in this regard please visit

Friday, 1 May 2015

5 ways to fight Depression

It is a myth that you could overcome depression by gulping the antidepressant pills. The best possible ways of getting over depression is through a change in mood which is possible by taking up the activities that make you happy. These could include tracking your hobby, listening to musing or even planning a reunion with friends.

Below listed are the best ways resisting depression:

1. Get enough sleep
Lack of sound and comfortable sleep could put you in a bad mood. Researchers have suggested that disturbances in circadian rhythms have been linked to depression. Thus, a good sleep can solve majority of depression related problems

2. Workout
Exercise is a must for one and all for the fact that apart from improving general health, it is highly effective in boosting the mood. It has been found that 15 minutes of exercise greatly benefited in reducing the patients’ symptoms of depression as well as cortisol (stress hormone) levels.

3. Regulate your blood sugar
Sugar and depression are interconnected. Consume sweet stuff and you would witness one or more of mentioned symptoms: fatigue, irritability, dizziness, insomnia, excessive sweating (especially at night), poor concentration and forgetfulness, excessive thirst and depression. Hence, balancing your blood sugar is key to prevent depression.

4. Consume healthy fats
Researchers have found that consumption of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids is very effective in reducing the symptoms of depression. Vegetarians could opt for flaxseed and walnuts to obtain omega-3s.

5. Find passion in life
Passion drives us! Eat healthy, get enough sleep, follow exercise routine but a lack of sense of purpose could keep you from actually enjoying life. According to Blue Zones, people who have a sense of purpose live up to seven years longer than those who don’t.